Access & Functional Needs Registry
People with limited mobility or special needs can enroll in the Rockland County Access & Functional Needs Registry, so that emergency personnel are aware of your needs in the event of an emergency.
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Activities Under Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
Legally Mandated Activities
- Select Chairperson.
- Establish rules (bylaws) for the functioning of the committee, including provisions for:
- Publishing notification of committee activities
- Public meetings to discuss the emergency plans
- Public comments to the plan
- Response to public comments by the committee
- Distribution of the Emergency Plan
- Designate coordinator for public information requests.
- Evaluate the need for resources to develop, implement and excise the emergency plan, and make recommendations for obtaining additional resources.
- Develop the emergency plan with the required elements.
- Review the Plan annually, or more often if circumstances change.
- Add/delete facilities
- Calculate vulnerable zones
- Test and improve plans
- Incorporate transportation information
- Designate Community Emergency Coordinator
- Publish official notice that the Plan is available for review annually
- Develop training and exercise schedule
- Conduct Community Right-to-Know Program
- Select an Information Coordinator
- Receive notification and information from facilities
- Respond to public requests for information on facilities and chemicals, including obtaining additional information from a facility
Other Important Activities
- Coordinate other Hazardous Materials Preparedness Activities
- Planning
- Training
- Exercises
- Information on emergency response and public facility worker safety
- (OSHA/State Labor)
- Distribution of Emergency Response Guidebooks
- Integrate plans with neighboring districts
- Plan for oil spills in coordination with EPA and Coast Guard
- Participate in Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act (HMTUSA).
- Plan and train for hazardous materials pipeline hazards, etc.
Why LEPCs?
Local LEPCs are the link between citizens, industry, and government. Because LEPCs are most familiar with the hazards in their community, and because local citizens tend to be the first responders for chemical emergencies, LEPCs are in the best position to assist local governments in developing plans to prepared and respond to hazardous material emergencies. Together the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal agencies, state agencies, and the chemical industry are cooperating with local communities and LEPCs to make EPCRA and related state laws more effective.
Who Makes Up the LEPC?
The LEPC is made up of representatives from all aspects of the community to include:
- Elected State and Local Officials
- Emergency Management
- Fire & Police
- Public Health
- Hospitals
- Red Cross
- Industry and Facility Representatives
- Local Community and Civic Organizations
- Schools
- Local Media and Transportation Agencies just to name a few.