Related Services
There are more than 65,000 people in Rockland County over the age of 60. We assist older residents & their families to get information about programs available to them. We provide a variety of programs either through our efforts or through partners. The programs are designed to maintain maximum independence in the home & provide employment & volunteer activities. Advocacy by & for the elderly is our prime activity.
The Rockland County Office for the Aging offers a free week-long stay at an assisted living facility. A new home care component to the program allows an individual to remain in their home with an aide for a specific period of time. Respite is available for individuals 60 and older who reside in Rockland County and have a caregiver. This program is subject to availability and funding. (845) 364-2113
Minor home repairs for older adults 60+ and/or disabled. Sponsored by BRiDGES (845) 624-1366 x139.
Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP)
Provides case management and non-medical in-home services to income-eligible seniors 60 and over. Potential clients cannot be receiving assistance from Medicaid or any other entitlement program. (845) 364-2117
Empower NY
The Empower New York program offers no-cost energy efficiency services to low-income (i.e. HEAP eligible) homeowners and renters. (845) 364-2110
(Home Energy Assistance Program) - People over age 60 who meet certain income guidelines or are collecting SSI can be subsidized on their heating bills. (845) 364-2110
Health Insurance Information & Counseling Assistance Program (HIICAP)
Provides information, education and counseling about Medicare and other health insurances to all Medicare beneficiaries and their loved ones. (845) 364-2118
Provides people with information on current issues relating to seniors. Published bi-monthly. (845) 364-2108
Preliminary telephone evaluation of long-term care needs. Referrals to appropriate service programs ranging from delivery of meals to nursing home placements. Follow-ups on calls. (845) 364-3444
Satellite Office
The Office for the Aging is on the move bringing our services to you. We know it is sometimes hard to get to us so we are going out and about Rockland to answer your questions. We will have staffers from our office that can answer questions and help you with available programs and services. (845) 364-2110
Provides training and employment opportunities for low-income people age 55 and older. (845) 364-2116
A volunteer will place a phone call on a regularly scheduled basis to seniors who would like someone to touch base with them for a friendly conversation. If you would like to receive a free call or be a volunteer, call (845) 364-2110.
Rockland Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) offers "one stop shopping" for people aged 55 years of age or older who are looking for enjoyable and meaningful volunteer service opportunities. (845) 364-2120
The Rockland County Office for the Aging participates in the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), an agency-based voter registration program. Anyone interested in registering to vote or change affiliation or residency may do so at the RCOFA. (845) 364-2110
Helps income-eligible homeowners conserve, improve and reduce energy usage while saving money. (845) 364-2110
For general information including obtaining senior housing lists, discount bus passes, legal referrals, directories, etc., please call our main desk at (845) 364-2110 or (845) 364-2100.
Contributions are voluntary and confidential and are used to expand the services for which they are received. No one will be denied services because of an inability or unwillingness to contribute.
Services are funded in part by the Administration for Community Living, New York State Office for the Aging and the Rockland County Office for the Aging.