Comprehensive Plan
Rockland County created a comprehensive plan that will serve as the basis for all County government planning and development issues for the next 10 to 20 years and provide guidance for future planning and zoning actions by towns and villages. The plan also creates a framework for future capital expenditure decisions by the County government.
The plan's overarching goals are to:
- Provide general recommendations on future land uses within the County of Rockland and possible alternative strategies
- Recommend general policies that could be undertaken at both the County and municipal levels to implement these strategies
- Address those matters that are under direct jurisdiction of the County of Rockland
- Identify issues of land use and zoning conflicts between and among municipalities that should be resolved to allow the various municipal zoning regulations to work more effectively
The plan is intended to be updated periodically to reflect land use changes, data updates or other major planning-related issues.
Rockland Tomorrow - Rockland County Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Rockland County Legislature on March 1, 2011. The Comprehensive Plan was prepared in accordance with the New York State General Municipal Law §239-d. The active planning process encompassed an 18-month effort, incorporating ideas and recommendations of Rockland County and municipal officials, residents, business owners, various planning agencies, County department commissioners, interest groups, environmentalists and recreation enthusiasts, as well as collaboration with the Comprehensive Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
Below you can download a complete copy of Rockland Tomorrow - Rockland County Comprehensive Plan and the Plan's Executive Summary:
New York State Environmental Quality Review Act Process
The Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS), Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS), Notice of Completion of the FGEIS, and environmental findings for the Rockland County Comprehensive Plan were prepared in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). A full copy of all documents are located on the SEQR page.