System of Care (SOC)
Mission: The Partnership For Safe and Healthy Youth
The Partnership For Safe and Healthy Youth represents the weaving together of effective, appropriate and individualized supports and services that are accessible and comprehensive to meet the needs of local youth with emotional and behavioral challenges and their families.
The Partnership is opportunity and challenge for Rockland County governmental agencies, school districts and service and support providers to partner with youth who have emotional and behavioral challenges and their families to create an accessible, responsive, appropriate and effective service delivery system.
What is a System of Care?
A System of Care (SOC) is a network of programs and services delivered to children, youth and families that:
- creates a framework of support recognizing that children and families have needs in many areas of life;
- promotes a holistic approach in which all life domains and needs are considered; this empowers the child and family to determine the services they need with comfort in knowing that providers will work together to meet their needs;
- provides coordinated services and supports with a single, comprehensive and individualized plan.
Guiding Principles of a System of Care:
- Child Specific
- Family Driven
- Youth Guided
- Community Based
- Culturally & Language Appropriate
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Least Intrusive
The process is for youth and families to receive services which are individualized and to include formal and natural supports selected by the youth and family. The ultimate goal is to improve access and expand the array of services and supports for children and youth with emotional and behavioral challenges and their families with a focus on the quality and cultural responsiveness of programs.